Thursday, March 7, 2013

Take Me to That Place

Wednesday night in youth group we sang the song "Wrap Me in Your Arms." The chorus says,

"Take me to that place, Lord
To that secret place
Where I can be with You
You can make me like You
Wrap me in Your arms"

David, one of the leaders, was talking about the chorus, and he was explaining about how we can enter into that place, into His presence at any time, we just have to choose to.

And God said to me, "But you're going to have to give up some things if you're going to dwell in My presence." We all have things that we aren't proud of in our life. That doesn't mean we want to give them up, though. So when we hear we have to give up our sins and dirty habits, the things that make us not like God, to stay in God's presence, we are faced with a choice; a question: is He worth it to us?

Sometimes we decide it's worth it because of what we can get out of being in God's presence: His protection, His goodness, His blessings, His grace, His mercy... the list goes on and on. We decide we'll give up our sin because of what we will gain. We decide that the gain outweighs the loss.

But the real joy comes when we decide that He is worth it.

I cannot be the only one who has ever thought (being vulnerable again here) sometimes, that maybe heaven sounds a little boring. I'm not the only one, right? Sometimes, thinking of worshipping God 24/7 for all of never-ending eternity sounds a little... redundant.

But those times when I decide that giving up my sin is worth it because He is worth it; those times that I spend time with Him for no other reason than just because in love Him... it's those times when I can't hardly wait for eternity.

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