Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"What if we just sat here..."

So I was babysitting today, and Brennan and I were playing the board game Mousetrap. At some points there are spaces that tell you to go back a certain amount of spaces. Sometimes, you'll land on one of those spaces, and after you go back and you roll again, you land on the "Go Back __ Spaces" space again. and again, etc, etc. it's happened before that one of us has been stuck in such a pattern for quite a few turns. Today, one of us landed in a "go back" space, then landed on it again. Brennan made the comment, "What if we did that a bunch of times? What if we just sat here going back and forth until we got old and died?" Out loud, I said something like, "That would be crazy." But as soon as he said it, God whispered.

Brennan basically said, "What if we just sat here going in circles and not moving anywhere until we died?" Is that not the voice of God through a child or what?

Because you know, as crazy as it sounds to be stuck playing a board game forever, I believe tons and tons of us are doing something very similar. We go through life just living for the heck of it. We don't dare experience God in bigger ways or even share Him with others. We go through life without going anywhere at all. Everyday waking up and doing our day, then at the end, going back to the beginning and starting over. And over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

But the thing with life, is that it's not random. You don't have to roll a die to figure out if you can get out of the rut. You just have to make the decision to be courageous and live.

1 comment:

  1. Faith, this is SO true! You are definitely spot-on with this. I see so many people chasing the Mousetrap circle over and over and it breaks my heart. Mostly because I used to be one of them and I've tasted the freedom that comes from getting out of the circle. Your writing is lovely and your wisdom is well beyond your 15 years. Keep writing, girl!

    Natalie Snapp
