Tuesday, August 19, 2014

God is not delusional.

God is not delusional. Quite the revelation, right? But really, why am I telling you this? Well, I was driving alone in the car yesterday and worshipping very loudly (I'm sure I was quite a sight to behold) when I had this revelation. Now obviously I didn't consciously think that God is delusional, but I realized that when I consider that fact that we are blameless before God, I considered it like He's somehow seeing us wrong. Like, "Isn't it so great how God sees us as sinless when really we're all disgustingly drenched in it?" 

But I realize that we don't wear a mask before Him. He isn't seeing a false representation of who we are, He's seeing the real thing. I think this belief that God isn't seeing the real me actually causes me to shy away from Him in guilt and shame because if I believe He's seeing something false, I become fearful that He'll see the real me. But I can rejoice! Because it is I, not He, who sees a false representation. I have been made blameless by Jesus's death on the cross. God is not delusional. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

God is good

Today I was scrolling through facebook and saw someone's post about something awesome that had happened in their life. The post started out with the phrase, "God is good!" and they went on to explain what had happened. As I read this, I was taken back to my trip to Mexico in 2012. I remember that in the midst of the cold, wet, cold, long (or so it seemed), cold, trip, when I got an unexpectedly hot shower (I was expecting it to be cold), the words "Thank you, Jesus!" came out of my mouth more times than I could count. He then showed me that even though it's fine and good to praise Him when our hearts are overflowing with praise and thankfulness, but it is just as good and He is just as worthy when something not-so-great is happening. 

So as I sat here on Facebook pondering it all, God challenged me to start saying, "God is good," in times one might not normally think to. Of course, this doesn't have to be something reserved for times of extreme calamity, but it could be the little times, like when you're running late and you hit a red light. Or when you just finished cleaning and someone wrecks the house. God deserves our praise even when we are frustrated, upset, and flustered.