Thursday, February 28, 2013


Jesus has been teaching me to be vulnerable. And you know what? Being vulnerable sucks. It goes against everything my flesh wants. Being vulnerable means admitting that I'm not perfect. Even though everyone knows that no one's perfect, deep in our hearts we all want everyone to think that we are.

But I think that this mirage of perfection is one of the reasons nonChristians shy away from us. We say no one's perfect but then act like we are. We have this idea that if we hide our sin and dirty thoughts, people will like us more; if they see the darkness in our hearts, they would be too disgusted to associate with us anymore. But I think that hiding our sin actually pushes people away more, because others, knowing the darkness in their own hearts, feel the need to compete with us; as opposed to everyone admitting their struggles, praying for each other, and discovering that maybe two who had been inwardly competing were actually facing the same struggle all along.

Being vulnerable also trains us to let go of our pride and let God get the glory. When we act like we're perfect, we try to take all the glory for ourselves. We think that if we admit our struggles, people will look down on us, when really what happens is the attention gets taken off us entirely and put on God. He deserves the glory. Who are we to try and keep it from Him?

"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 18:14

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