Thursday, April 25, 2013

Write it down/You're too young

Part 1: Write it down

I feel like the art of taking notes in church and journaling at home is dying. In church the only people I ever see taking notes are the older generation. My generation just doesn't care to. But why should we take notes? Why should we journal?

1 Peter 3:15b "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." If someone asked you right now what God has been teaching you, would you be able to answer off the top of your head? I'm going to guess probably not. I wouldn't be able to remember. But because I keep a journal and notes notebook, I can go back to it and show them what God has been teaching me and what scriptures have stood out to me lately.

Habakkuk 2:2 says "Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it." What does a herald do? He tells people things; he brings a message! So ultimately the reason we should write it down is so we can tell other people. That's what the Gospel is all about, right? After all, what good does God's message do if people don't hear about it? What good does God's Word do if people don't hear about it?

Part 2: You're too young

When God gave me the idea for this post, immediately after I thought about it, Satan said, "You're too young to write this. Who wants to listen to a 15 year old tell them what they should do? What experience do you have? What makes you qualified to write this?" And I almost listened.
But thank God for His Word, which says that I shouldn't let anyone look down on me because I'm young, but rather I should be an example!

To all my fellow young people, and even those who are not so young: God's Glory shining through you has nothing to do with how qualified or able YOU are but how qualified and able GOD is. It is not you who lives but Christ who lives in you.

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