Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Change of Heart

A couple months ago I thought God told me to go to India on a mission trip this summer. I mean I really, really, really, thought I was supposed to. A lot.

But my parents said no. This was the first time ever that my parents said no to a mission trip that I wanted to go on. So I decided that God would change their minds. I didn't tell anybody that I wasn't going because to me, I still was.

I remember hearing Jeremy Camp on KLOVE (a radio station) talking about when God called him and his family to move from Indiana to Nashville, Tennessee. And his wife didn't want to. But God had to change her heart. Because they really were supposed to move to Nashville.

Now, I, hearing this, thought of course it was a sign from God that He would change my parents' hearts and I would be a be able to go to India. Nope. He was preparing me for a change of my OWN heart, because as it turns out, I'm not supposed to go to India.

Instead, I'll be a bunk leader (counselor) at camp for elementary and middle school girls. I would LOVE to go on a mission trip again this summer. I can't tell you how much I'll miss it. But I'll be going on a different kind of mission trip, pouring into young girls lives as they pursue and find God.

The point of it all is that sometimes we think we have it all figured out, and that God will adjust things to our own plan. But God will do what HE knows is best, and adjusting our hearts to His plan.

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