Saturday, May 11, 2013


Okay, you're going to have to excuse me for a minute, because I'm a huge book nerd and I'm gonna use an example from one of my favorite books of all time. 

In The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis (if you haven't read any of his books, fiction or non, you need to. They've changed my life.), the two main characters, Eustace and Jill, find themselves at the top of a very, very high cliff; imagine the highest cliff you've ever seen before. It's at least ten times higher than that. Jill is being a show-off and decides she's going to stand really close to the edge of the cliff. Eustace tries to stop her, and wrenching herself away from him, accidentally knocks Eustace off the cliff.

In bounds a lion, The Lion, Aslan, who is the representation of Christ in The Chronicles of Narnia, and He immediately starts blowing. What happens, (not to spoil it for you, but...) is Aslan's breath carries Eustace to safety. 

I think what happens a lot in life, is that we get knocked off a cliff, and we get so upset that we got knocked off in the first place that we often don't notice that Jesus has saved us from an even nastier ending at the bottom of the cliff. We sometimes blame God for what happened, when He's not even the one that caused it. He's the one so graciously saving us from certain destruction.

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