Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's doesn't matter if he goes to church

Something that has really bugged me in the church recently is that whenever we're addressing the single population, at least in the youth, we always emphasize "Does your boyfriend go to church?" "Don't be unequally yoked!" we say. "Before you get into a relationship, make sure he goes to church!" I'm gonna  break some new ground here and say: it doesn't matter if he goes to church.  Blasphemy! What? Yes, I really don't think it matters if he goes to church. Why? Because, just because he goes to church, that doesn't mean he has a relationship with The Lord. It doesn't mean he actually pursues God. He could have a "casual" relationship with God, being saved, but not caring to seek God or obey Him. 

It doesn't matter if he goes to church. Most likely, if he is pursuing God and seeking Him, he will go to church. But that is not the determining factor. I've met people who go to church whom I would never date. I've known people who don't go to church who are passionately pursuing God. Really, what matters, all you single people, is that the person is pursuing God. Here's a little check: are they pursuing and seeking God more than they are anything else in their life, even you? 

Whether or not someone should go to or not go to church is another discussion. I'm saying that just because someone goes to church, that doesn't mean they have a relationship with or are seeking God. 

Romans 2:13 
"For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous."

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