Tuesday, July 2, 2013

God's Name in vain

So, so, so, so many people misuse God's Name, aka say His Name in vain. You can't hardly watch a movie or have a conversation these days, even with a Christian, without hearing "Oh my God!" said at least once. It's used so flippantly, as if it really means nothing. I think people tend to forget that when God set the Ten Commandments, He was setting 10 rules above every other rule He gave them. If you've ever read Leviticus, this is a HUGE deal! Leviticus is a book entirely devoted to rules. But God still put this one rule in His top ten. 

Obviously this is a very important rule. But why? Why can't we use His name in vain? Because He is worthy of every honor in the universe. His Glory is so great, every speck of light that ever was or ever will be combined wouldn't even come close to how Glorious He is. He is so worthy of everything we can give Him, that everything that has ever existed or ever will exist combined and given to Him might as well be garbage. That's how worthy He is. His Name deserves ever honor, every praise, every bit of respect that ever could be and yet we throw it around because we got a little excited about something. This is not okay. 
Check this out:

"You shall not misuse the name of The Lord your God, for The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name." Exodus 20:7

Do you know what that means? Can you grasp the implications? It means that even if you were completely sinless, even if you had never once sinned in your entire life but had said God's name in vain, you still wouldn't be counted sinless. That's how important this is to God. 

He is worthy of every single honor. So give Him this one. Don't misuse God's name. He's worthy of so much more than that.

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